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Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Tugas 3 Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #


Still quite a lot of us looking on how to quickly learn the language of the United Kingdom and how can speak, write, and memorized all the grammar rules of the language in the United Kingdom. United Kingdom language learn a lot make students frustrated, because they do not know how the right method. As a result, learning that they did of course useless and doesn't rewarding significantly. In the way of quickly learning the language United Kingdom, in fact, there are just three easy steps that you can apply and resulted in good results. The main steps in the way of quickly learning the language of the United Kingdom as follows:
1. Focus on not only the input and output
Most students and teachers of English to provide an understanding that the key lies in the mastery of writing and speaking. Indeed, it is not wrong because a lot of people who directly practice speaking boldly, he will get used and then acquire the ability to speak English well. But for a faster, one should also sharpen the ability to hear. The ability to listen is one key to success in learning English.
For that you have to spend countless hours to listen to the songs in English, English subtitles, and of course the English-language film. By listening to a variety of words in the English language for a long time, the ability to listen can be increased considerably. Oddly enough, you also will improve by leaps and bounds in the context of talking. The situation has been proven, and then, you should be the next person to prove this. 
2. Grammar is important but not too charged
            Grammar is important for you as a student because of the status of English in Indonesia is a foreign language, not the language of the original, or a second language. Thus, grammar is a must to be learned. Therefore, do not think of grammar as a burden that requires you to refine. In terms of writing, of course grammar is important, but in speaking English, we could be a little bit lenient with grammatical mistakes or grammar.
3. Repeat then go slow
Lock quick way to learn English is slowly and continuously repeated. A study showed that repetitions performed continuously in a slightly slower tempo will produce a better performance. Students must obtain materials with repeatability up to a dozen times. Then the students were able to learn the English language better and effective.
If material, get the basics of speaking from talkenglish there are three fruit category. First, there are the basics of speaking which we will describe briefly and solid. Speaking or talking is a the thing that is so important and often become a benchmark of whether someone is able to speak well or not. It is true, that when someone speaks pretty good techniques, he was able to master the language and could be considered United Kingdom well.
Then, you start speaking or talking in English with the use of I'm or I am. It is used in combination with other words to let someone know about yourself or to describe something you do. In the context of talking, we do not say I am (ai em) but simply say I'm (em). Here are some basic examples of language use I’am in the United Kingdom like,I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I’m alone. 
We can also add some descriptive words like very. So, really as well, all of which can be done in the following ways. You need to know, that the meaning of very, extremely, super, and terribly reveal the seriousness of and the reinforcement description of the circumstances someone. For example like, I’m extremely hungry, I’m very beautifully, and I’m super nervous.


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