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Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Tugas 3 Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #


Still quite a lot of us looking on how to quickly learn the language of the United Kingdom and how can speak, write, and memorized all the grammar rules of the language in the United Kingdom. United Kingdom language learn a lot make students frustrated, because they do not know how the right method. As a result, learning that they did of course useless and doesn't rewarding significantly. In the way of quickly learning the language United Kingdom, in fact, there are just three easy steps that you can apply and resulted in good results. The main steps in the way of quickly learning the language of the United Kingdom as follows:
1. Focus on not only the input and output
Most students and teachers of English to provide an understanding that the key lies in the mastery of writing and speaking. Indeed, it is not wrong because a lot of people who directly practice speaking boldly, he will get used and then acquire the ability to speak English well. But for a faster, one should also sharpen the ability to hear. The ability to listen is one key to success in learning English.
For that you have to spend countless hours to listen to the songs in English, English subtitles, and of course the English-language film. By listening to a variety of words in the English language for a long time, the ability to listen can be increased considerably. Oddly enough, you also will improve by leaps and bounds in the context of talking. The situation has been proven, and then, you should be the next person to prove this. 
2. Grammar is important but not too charged
            Grammar is important for you as a student because of the status of English in Indonesia is a foreign language, not the language of the original, or a second language. Thus, grammar is a must to be learned. Therefore, do not think of grammar as a burden that requires you to refine. In terms of writing, of course grammar is important, but in speaking English, we could be a little bit lenient with grammatical mistakes or grammar.
3. Repeat then go slow
Lock quick way to learn English is slowly and continuously repeated. A study showed that repetitions performed continuously in a slightly slower tempo will produce a better performance. Students must obtain materials with repeatability up to a dozen times. Then the students were able to learn the English language better and effective.
If material, get the basics of speaking from talkenglish there are three fruit category. First, there are the basics of speaking which we will describe briefly and solid. Speaking or talking is a the thing that is so important and often become a benchmark of whether someone is able to speak well or not. It is true, that when someone speaks pretty good techniques, he was able to master the language and could be considered United Kingdom well.
Then, you start speaking or talking in English with the use of I'm or I am. It is used in combination with other words to let someone know about yourself or to describe something you do. In the context of talking, we do not say I am (ai em) but simply say I'm (em). Here are some basic examples of language use I’am in the United Kingdom like,I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I’m alone. 
We can also add some descriptive words like very. So, really as well, all of which can be done in the following ways. You need to know, that the meaning of very, extremely, super, and terribly reveal the seriousness of and the reinforcement description of the circumstances someone. For example like, I’m extremely hungry, I’m very beautifully, and I’m super nervous.


Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

Tulisan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Education is a bridge connecting the future for the people of Indonesia. In an age of globalization, education has been easier to be widely disseminated. The world is no longer in the days where only the nobles who had the opportunity to get an education. Not familiar old or young, rich or poor, even someone with special needs, all have the right to get a decent education.
            Proper education, that's what people expect from a means of learning. Education provided equitably to all students regardless of background. In the explanation of the General Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System (Law No. 20/2003), states: "People need education in life. Education is a business so that people can develop his or her potential through a learning process and or other means known to and recognized by the community ".
Develop their potential through a learning process, students are required to explore the potential of a well that overflowed his talent as well. But what if there is a learning process amid internal and external constraints? when students are reluctant to show his skill because there is no support in itself? it is not impossible that the result obtained by factors such as; family, community, and school. A behavior that can destroy the spirit and motivation of students who are currently in the midst of the community warm Iyalah bullying.
Bullying is a problem that is worldwide, not only in Indonesia but also in developed countries like the United States and Japan. Acts of bullying in Indonesia likened to an iceberg phenomenon increasingly worrisome. Evidently, Indonesia ranks second largest in the world in the case of bullying. Figures are very amazing in this.
Bullying is a loan word from English (bully), which means bully or annoy persons (parties) are weak. Bullying is not only happening in educational institutions / schools, but also in the workplace, the community, and even communities. In this article, I will discuss about bullying at school.
According to Rigby (2005; in Anesty, 2009) formulates that bullying is a desire to hurt, which is shown in action, causing a person to suffer. So, according to Intan bullying is a form of violence against children (child abuse) conducted peer to someone (a child) who is 'low' or weaker to get a certain satisfaction that his own actions can not be justified. Usually, bullying happens repeatedly, there is even done systematically.
Bullying can happen anywhere, but often encountered in the school environment. Bullying occurs due to an imbalance of power between the perpetrator is more powerful and the target (victim) weaker. From the side of the offender, the tendency to do the bullying caused by environmental conditions that shape the personality of aggressive and less able to control emotions. The environment is meant, among others, upbringing in the family, the family's own conditions, social conditions surrounding environment and information media technology available today.
In general, boys use more physical bullying and child many women using relational bullying / emotional, but both use the same verbal bullying. This distinction, more to do with the patterns of socialization that occurs between boys and girls. In the opinion of the expert Barbara Coloroso (2006: 47-50) divides bullying into four types, as follows:
1.      Bullying verbally is one of the most easy to do, because it can be a first step towards the further violence. Verbal bullying is divided into three, namely:
a.  Direct verbal contact as threatening, humiliating, degrading, disturbing, given name calling, sarcasm, condescending, mocking, mengintimidsi, and spreading gossip is not true that aim to marginalize others.
b.    Perlaku direct non-verbal like seeing the cynical, insulting, stuck out his tongue, showing facial expressions demeaning bullying usually accompanied by physical and or verbal.
c.       Indirect non-verbal behaviors such as through sms media, the internet and other social networks, to silence someone, manipulating friendships that become cracked, deliberately exclude or ignore, and sending anonymous letters.
2.   Bullying physically included this type is beating, slapping, choking, pushing, destroying the belongings of children who are oppressed, and other physical actions that are destructive. This kind of bullying is the most visible and easy to identify. Because evidence of bullying seen immediately.
3.      Bullying is a relational (waiver) was used to isolate or reject a friend or even to damage the friendly relations. Relational bullying is weakening the victim's self-esteem through neglect, exclusion, exclusion or avoidance. This is a time when teenagers try to find themselves and adjust to peers.

4.   Electronic Bullying is a form of bullying behavior that made the culprit through electronic means such as computers, mobile phones, internet, website, chat room, e-mail, SMS and so on.

Facts Bullying
The first fact: Iqbal child student who was sitting bench 4th grade elementary school in Bojong Menteng. Her mother was an employee of a private company was already working girl. Iqbal from small already twice alternately raised by his grandmother and aunt. At the age of 9 new Iqbal feel cared for by his mother, since the grandmother went to Padang.
On one day, Iqbal was about to go to school at a time when conditions were rainy, Iqbal eventually bring her umbrella from home on foot to go to school. Arriving at the school, Iqbal directly diledekin by his friends with a variety of talks. Until umbrella Iqbal dimainin until broken by his friends and his umbrella was not returned. Iqbal had tried to defend himself, in the end he was forced to return home with a feeling of sadness, and induced her upset.
The second fact: Reflecting on his own reflection that discusses kaka Amira has a new sister during which Amira 1 year old. What Amira experienced when her sister was born? attention to him slowly disappear. Amira lose all of it without understanding why it clearly and without any prior preparation. When at the age of three years already had two sisters. Like it or not forced to take the role as a sister, something quite frustrating.
There are some psychological reactions that occur by the first child, anxiety goodbye to his mother so that the presence of the sister makes her uncomfortable, and scary. Amira worried about losing his mother, the shape can be a strong possessiveness. Other forms of withdrawal, the child withdraws. Amira shows the attitude of moody, taciturn or maudlin with sebeb trivial reasons.
Amira was jealous of her sister, she saw her sister as the cause of the loss of parental attention and affection. Form of jealousy can be shown openly or not. Amira children first become easily provoked by trivial things, happens often in ledekin neighbors and peers. If it's a long cry cessation and kept asking to be picked up.
Finally, Amira and her brother often alternately taken care of by an elderly grandmother. Bullying behavior because of jealous sister continued until elementary school. Along with the development, growth and learning process Amira finally no longer a child is possessive and jealous. Instead now the results are so child introvet, indifferent, and tend not to care instead often make others jealous.

Causes Bullying Measures
There are several factors that cause a person to be perpetrators of bullying, including children who are too spoiled by his parents, broken home which can cause children to feel excluded, children living environment is not as good as the environmental effect that frequently fight or not regarding to the existing norms. This is what makes a person imitating the behavior that is around and commit violence against another person without feeling guilty.
The mass media into the causes of bullying. Research conducted by Anderson was quoted as saying by Rigby, 2002, concluded that violence on television or movies, and video games becoming concrete evidence to trigger bullying both within a short time or a long time. The effect will be seen in the form of bullying behaviors ranging from the mild to the nature that can be casualties.
The Impact Of Bullying
The impact can be categorized as short-term impact and long-term impact. Short-term impact they will tend to avoid the school environment or the environment in which the actors are and the emergence of psychosomatic disorders, so dropout, Doing sexual activity prematurely, and have poor emotional control. While the long-term impact can be when they mature personal minder, anti-social and suspicious towards others, grew into an aggressive person, and easily become perpetrators of criminal acts in adolescence as well as adults later.
Prevention Of Bullying
Prevention of bullying on children should involve various stakeholders, among others, the family, schools, and government. The family has an obligation to educate with the right parenting, developing emotional intelligence since early childhood. By teaching children to possess a sense of empathy, and respect for others. Parents must play their role by creating good communication with children, provide children with sufficient understanding of religion, and instill good morals. 
The school as an institutions that are believed to provide tiered education is responsible for controlling the limits relationships between students and conduct surveillance on the incidence of bullying in the school environment. Schools need to establish cooperation with the police, by conducting counseling about the dangers of bullying, and provide sanctions ranging from light. The government should also have a clear program, clear and focused, to help the problem of bullying. If parents and the government was silent, then it is tantamount to tolerating or legalizing revenge tradition at the school.

Monks, F.J., Knoers, A.M.P., Haditono, S.R. 2004. Psikologi Perkembangan: pengantar dalam berbagai bagiannya. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.